Calendar, Closures, Snow Days, & Holidays
Woodland Playhouse follows the Onteora Public School calendar, legal holidays, snow days, and delays. The full monthly fee will be charged for holidays and any days missed due to the child’s illness or changes made at the parents convenience. There are some months with more school days than others, which typically balances out fairly for teachers, parents, and students.
We also follow Onteora for snow day give backs or snow day makeup days. This guarantees at least 180 available days for families September - June included in their tuition.
During extenuating circumstances where we may be directed to close for several days or weeks to close by a governing authority (i.e. Department of Health, County Executive, Department of Education, Department of Transportation) for situations out of our control (i.e. major weather events, pandemics, or other "acts of God") without opportunity to make up the lost days, we require families to pay half tuition to hold their child’s space at Woodland Playhouse. This is to ensure we can continue to pay our base overhead costs and continue to provide our employees with salaries. If days can be made up, they will be and families will be responsible for full tuition.